Friday, November 14, 2014

D.C. - Friday, November 14, 2014 - Visit Impact Asset in Bethesda then the National Mall

We started off our Friday by taking a 25 minute metro ride from DC to Bethesda, where Beth's company (Impact Assets) has an office.  It's a small 4 person office, Beth wanted to visit them while she was in DC.

Upon returning to DC we decided to walk the other Mall Monuments prior to heading over to the Lincoln Center to see a production of Little Dancer.

We started off at the Jefferson Memorial which is quite impressive.  From here we walked over to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.  I loved both of these.

From here we walked to the Martin Luther King Memorial.   While it was cold and windy today we enjoyed being able to walk around these memorials.
From Jefferson Memorial looking at the Washington Memorial

Jefferson Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Original colors NO photo enhancement!


Fall foliage

Lincoln Memorial

1 comment:

  1. Love the composition and light in your image of the Washington Monument, taking from the Jefferson
