Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Drive to our last Game Park, Masai Mara National Park - June 8th through the 10th

This is link is the  map of the driving we have done so far.  This drive, from Lake Nakuru to Masai Mara National Reserve,  was probably the worst of all. The Masai Mara National Reserve seems to be in the middle of know where.  In order to drive here we spent over 2 hours driving on a Washboard road.  

I would highly recommend that any of my friends or family who may go to this Masai Mara National Reserve that they pay the extra cost to fly in and out!

I can say that, without a doubt, the journey was worth the experience!

We stayed in the Sarova Mara Game Club "Tents".  They are so luxurious that it's hard to call them tents. 

As a side note in each of the 3 Safari locations we have visited the camps shut down their generators usually from 2pm to 6pm and again from 12am until 6am to save power.   Just after midnight, on Thursday, June 9th, we received a "Whats App" message that my brother, Dean, had a tear in his aorta (Aortic dissection).  I did not sleep for the entire night. I sent healing energy and prayed that he would live.  

In the morning, with the power restored we received the positive news we had prayed went well, the surgeons saved his life.  He was within minutes of not being with us.  Thank goodness for miracles!

This Masai Mara National Reserve is AMAZING, while at times it can get overrun with tourists, it is MASSIVE and is best known for:
the Wildebeest Migration, the HUGE savannas of golden grasslands, big skies and Lion sightings.

Our one-eye male Lion, checking us out.  Look at this "The Gate with Brian Cohen" blog link I found with close up photo's

The rest of the family!

Cheetahs of the Masai Mara National Reserve 

I could not find an exact match for this Kingfisher....check out the link to see which one you think it is.

I have to work on blowing this image up, but wanted to get it on the blog, leopard eating a antelope in the Masai Mara National Reserve

During our visit it was the beginning of the build up of the Wildebeest, (this link shows a month by month details. They are famous for the migration!

Superb Starling 

This is a Serval Cat, they are pretty cool!

Zebra's of the Massai Mara

We saw quite a few Ostrich's but I like this photo best

Grey Crowned Crane

African wattled lapwig

Black kite enjoying the left overs of a lion kill

Ruppells vulture waiting for the Black kite to finish!

At the "unofficial" boarder of Kenya and Tanzania, here is a map for an overview

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